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Capsular Contracture Surgery to Replace Breast Cancer Implants

Shelly Straub Breast Implants

May 23, 2016

Journal Dump #078


When I learned that I was going to need surgery to repair the reconstructed breast that was exposed to the radiation, I think I lasted about 10 minutes (which was the time it took to get from the dr office to my truck in the parking lot) before I googled looking for breast cancer survivors who had gone through something similar.

There's plenty of medical information on all the typical breast cancer sites but I always look for real survivor stories because I want first-hand information, not someone's theory based on statistics.

That being said, this is exactly why I am writing this blog post. Truth be told, my doctor told me the surgery would be similarly as invasive as the expander-to-implant surgery so I re-read my own blog to find out what I could expect for recovery time.  Should this happen to me again (which is not so uncommon), I can take a look back and know exactly how things will play out.

So let's get down to it. This was my 4th surgery due to breast cancer.

  • Double Mastectomy - 12/9/13

  • Chemo Port installation surgery - 12/31/13

  • Expander to Implant surgery - 6/6/14

  • Capsular Contracture - Implant replacement surgery - 5/19/16

On Thursday, May 19, 2016 (2 years and 5 months into my "survivorship"), I had surgery to repair the implant that radiation contracted. (so to speak). 

The surgery was meant to last an hour and I was told I would be given the mask with oxygen, but since the surgery lasted over 2 hours I had to be intubated with the tube. And of course this left me with a very sore throat for 3 days and a fat bottom lip but by Monday all is well again. 

Just after surgery, my doctor came out to talk to Lucia in the waiting room and she writes his words to family and friends waiting to hear:

"So surgery is complete. Doctor said it was the worst he has ever seen in her right breast. She will be in a lot of pain due to the extent of what he had to remove. She is in recovery now and I am still waiting to see her. More updates to follow. - 8:50pm."

I was home by 11:30pm.  I don't do hospital stays and all those drugs make me so sick, I wake up and instantly start begging to go home.

Shelly Straub Breast Cancer
Velcro Bra and markings from surgery


After just 2 days, I am on straight motrin for pain. I have 2 incisions underneath the breasts, the  one on the right side is obviously much larger (the trouble side). It throbs a bit and I wonder if there was some nerve damage because I feel the random sharp pains but for the most part, the only major uncomfortability is having to wear the tight sports bra for 2 weeks. Thankfully I was able to remove the velcro bra and shower after 48 hours.  The first pic in this post is just after my first shower. You can see the incision under the right breast, along with the marker lines that my doctor drew on before the surgery, and of course, my chemo port scar located above the left breast.

The worst of all this was Day 2 when I had enough of the CIPRO in my system to make me really nauseous. Thankfully, a call to the doctor and a pop of Zofran and that was over!

I will post before and after pics when I get the 'inside surgery' photos that my awesome doctor took for me. But I can tell you that what you are seeing in this photo is a HUGE improvement from what I looked like just a few days ago.

Thank you Dr. Upadhyaya! When I told you I loved you (about a dozen times) just after I woke from surgery, yes I was very drugged - but I meant it. Thanks for taking such wonderful care of me.


NOTE TO SELF: Never take Cipro again - side effects are nausea and bad headache - BELIEVE IT.

5-19-16 - 1:00am 4 hours after surgery, took 1 percocet and 800 mg motrin

5-20-16 - 5:40am 800 mg motrin

5-20-16 - 7:00am 1 percocet

5-20-16 - 11:55am 2 percocet

5-20-16 - 1:00pm - 1 AMOX/1 CIPRO

5-20-16 - 5:15pm - 1 percocet and 800 mg motrin

5-20-16 - 9:00pm - 1 AMOX/1 CIPRO

5-20-16 - 10:00pm - 600 mg motrin

5-21-16 - 5:00am - 1 percocet and 800 mg motrin

5-21-16 - 8:00am - 1 AMOX/1 CIPRO

5-21-16 - 3:30pm - 1 ZOFRAN

5-21-16 - 5:00pm - 600 mg motrin

5-22-16 - 2:30am - 600 mg motrin

5-22-16 - 7:30am - 1 AMOX

5-22-16 - 4:00pm - 1 AMOX

5-22-16 - 5:20pm - 600 mg motrin

5-23-16 - 7:30am - 600 mg motrin/1 AMOX

5-23-16 - 1:40pm - 800 mg motrin

Capsular Contracture Surgery Video and Results PART 3 -->



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